Test Code CATHTIP Culture, Catheter Tip
Conventional Culture TechniquePerforming Laboratory
Aspen Valley HospitalSpecimen Requirements
Specimen must arrive within 30 minutes of collection.
1. Disinfect skin around catheter with iodine before removing catheter.
2. Using aseptic technique, clip off a 1 to 2 inch distal segment of catheter.
3. Place catheter tip in a screw-capped, sterile container. (Specimen in non-sterile container, specimen not received within 30 minutes of collection, specimen collected using non-sterile technique, or Foley catheter is not acceptable.)
4. Label specimen with patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of collection, and type of specimen.
5. Maintain sterility and forward promptly at ambient temperature only.
Note: 1. Collect before start of antibiotic therapy whenever possible.
2. Specimen source is required on request form for processing.
Reference Values
Negative: <15 CFU after 24-hour incubationPositive: ≥15 CFU after 24-hour incubation
Each organism will be identified, and antimicrobial susceptibilities performed at an additional charge.
Day(s) Test Set Up
Monday through SundayTest Classification and CPT Coding
87070 - culture, bacterial87186 - antimicrobial susceptibility (if appropriate)