Test Code DIMERQT D-Dimer (Quantitative), Plasma
Immunoassay TurbidometricPerforming Laboratory
Aspen Valley HospitalSpecimen Requirements
Container/Tube: Light blue-top (sodium citrate) tube(s)Specimen: 1 mL of sodium citrate plasma
Transport Temperature: Ambient
Collection Instructions: If there is a delay in transport of >4 hours, spin down and send 1 mL of platelet-poor plasma frozen in plastic vial.
Reference Values
0.00-0.50 µg/mLNote: Patients on anticoagulants may show decreased D-dimers in the presence of pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis; thus, testing in anticoagulated patients is not recommended.
Day(s) Test Set Up
Monday through SundayTest Classification and CPT Coding