Test Code FLCT-SYN Cell Count, Synovial Fluid
If WBCs are >200, a WBC differential test will be added at an additional charge.
Performing Laboratory
Aspen Valley Hospital
Specimen Requirements
5 mL (minimum volume: 1 mL) of synovial fluid in a lavender-top (EDTA) tube(s). (Clotted specimen is not acceptable.) Forward promptly at ambient temperature.
Note: Indicate specimen source on specimen container and request form.
Reference Values
RBC: 0 cells/mm3
Normal: 0-150 cells/mm3
Non-inflammatory: <3,000 cells/mm3
Inflammatory: 3,000-75,000 cells/mm3
Infectious: 50,000-200,000 cells/mm3
Hemorrhagic: 50-10,000 cells/mm3
Day(s) Test Set Up
Monday through Sunday
Test Classification and CPT Coding
89050 - cell count
89051 - WBC differential (if appropriate)