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Test Code HYPERCG2* Hypercoagulation Panel 2


Profile Information:
Antithrombin Activity Protein C Activity
Factor V Leiden (R506Q) Mutation Protein S Antigen

Note:  This test panel is an artificial grouping of tests for ordering purposes. Each test will appear separately on a Meditech report from Mayo Medical Laboratories and not grouped together as a panel.


For Mayo Medical Laboratories’ complete test information, see #9030 “Antithrombin Activity, Plasma”; #81419 “Factor V Leiden (R506Q) Mutation, Blood”; #9339 “Protein C Activity, Plasma”; and #83049 “Protein S Antigen, Plasma.”

Performing Laboratory

Aspen Valley Hospital/Mayo Medical Laboratories

Physician Office Specimen Requirements

For Mayo Medical Laboratories’ specimen required information, see #9030 “Antithrombin Activity, Plasma”; #81419 “Factor V Leiden (R506Q) Mutation, Blood”; #9339 “Protein C Activity, Plasma”; and #83049 “Protein S Antigen, Plasma.”