Test Code OBP Obstetric Panel
Profile Information: | |
ABO Group | Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR), Response to Therapy |
Antibody Screen | Rh Type |
Complete Blood Count (CBC) With Automated Differential (Outreach Clients Only) | Rubella Antibodies, IgG |
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen |
Note: This test panel is an artificial grouping of tests for ordering purposes. Each test will appear separately on a Meditech report from Aspen Valley Hospital and Mayo Medical Laboratories and not grouped together as a panel.
For Mayo Medical Laboratories’ complete test information, see #9013 “Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, Serum”; #9056 “Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR), Response to Therapy, Serum”; and #8172 “Rubella Antibodies, IgG, Serum.”
Performing Laboratory
Aspen Valley Hospital/Mayo Medical LaboratoriesPhysician Office Specimen Requirements
For Mayo Medical Laboratories’ specimen required information, see #9013 “Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, Serum”; #9056 “Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR), Response to Therapy, Serum”; and #8172 “Rubella Antibodies, IgG, Serum.”
Blood for ABO Group, Antibody Screen, and Rh Type
Specimen must arrive within ≤72 hours of draw.
Container/Tube: Pink-top (EDTA) tube(s)
Specimen: 10 mL (minimum volume: 2 mL) of EDTA whole blood
Transport Temperature: Ambient
Collection Instructions:
Note: 1. Indicate blood on request form.
2. Label tube(s) with the patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of draw, initials of phlebotomist, and as blood for ABO group and antibody screen.
Blood for CBC
Specimen must arrive within ≤24 hours of draw.
Container/Tube: Lavender-top (EDTA) tube(s) - No other anticoagulant is acceptable.
Specimen: 5 mL (minimum volume: 0.5 mL) of EDTA whole blood
Transport temperature: Ambient
Collection Instructions: Invert 8 times to mix blood.
Note: Label specimen appropriately (blood for CBC).