Test Code OSMP Osmolality Panel (serum + random urine)
Performing Laboratory
Aspen Valley Hospital
Specimen Requirements
Both SERUM and RANDOM URINE are required; plasma is not acceptable.
SERUM: Gold-top SST gel tube. Once centrifuged, specimen is stable for 3 hours at room temperature, 24 hours when refrigerated at 2-8C.
URINE: specimen must be collected within 24 hours of serum sample; refrigerate at 2-8C within 4 hours after collection.
Reference Values
SERUM: 275-295 mOsm/kg
URINE: Random specimen = 50-1200 mOsm/kg
12-14 hr fluid restriction = >850 mOsm/kg
Day(s) Test Set Up
Sunday through Saturday
Test Classification and CPT Coding
CPT (serum): 83930
CPT (urine): 83935
Freezing-point depression