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Test Code PIH P.I.H. Panel


Profile Information:

Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT)Chloride
AlbuminComplete Blood Count (CBC), Automated With Differential (Outreach Clients Only)
Alkaline PhosphataseCreatinine with Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/SGOT)Glucose
Bilirubin, TotalPotassium 
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)Protein, Total  
Carbon Dioxide, Total  (CO2)Uric Acid




















Note:  This test panel is an artificial grouping of tests for ordering purposes. Each test will appear separately on a Meditech report under the hematology and chemistry headings, and will not be grouped together as a panel.

Performing Laboratory

Aspen Valley Hospital

Physician Office Specimen Requirements

Blood, and plasma or serum are required for this test.


Blood for CBC

Specimen must arrive within ≤24 hours of draw.


Container/Tube:  Lavender-top (EDTA) tube(s) - No other anticoagulant is acceptable.

Specimen:  5 mL (minimum volume:  0.5 mL) of EDTA whole blood

Transport temperature:  Ambient

Collection Instructions:  Invert 8 times to mix blood.

Note:  1. Indicate blood on request form.
2. Label specimen appropriately (blood).


Plasma or Serum for Albumin; Alkaline Phosphatase; ALT/SGPT; AST/SGOT; Bilirubin, Total; BUN; Calcium; Chloride, CO2; Creatinine with GFR; Glucose; Potassium; Protein, Total; Sodium; and Uric Acid


Submit only 1 of the following specimens:




Container/Tube:  Light green-top (lithium heparin gel) tube(s)

Specimen:  2 mL (minimum volume:  1 mL) of lithium heparin plasma
Transport Temperature:  Ambient
Collection Instructions:  Spin down immediately and send entire tube to laboratory. If there is a delay in transport of >8 hours, send specimen refrigerated. Visible hemolysis will result in a falsely-elevated potassium value. Protect specimen from light.

Note:  1. Indicate plasma on request form.
2. Label specimen appropriately (plasma).



  Gold-top serum gel tube(s) or orange-top tube(s) - Plain, red-top tube is also acceptable.

Specimen:  2 mL (minimum volume:  1 mL) of serum
Transport Temperature:  Ambient

Collection Instructions:  Allow specimen to clot for approximately 10 minutes and spin down. If drawing gold-top serum gel tube, send entire tube to laboratory. If drawing orange-top tube or plain, red-top tube, remove serum and place in separate plastic vial. If there is a delay in transport of >8 hours, send specimen refrigerated. Protect specimen from light.

Note:  1. Indicate serum on request form.
2. Label specimen appropriately (serum).

Reference Values

See individual test listings.

Day(s) Test Set Up

Monday through Sunday

Test Classification and CPT Coding

80053 - CHEM13 panel

85025 - CBC

84550 - uric acid

Note:  Each component test is billed separately; medical necessity must be met for each component test.