Test Code SEDR Sedimentation Rate, Westergren, Blood
Infra-Red Light TransmissionPerforming Laboratory
Aspen Valley HospitalPhysician Office Specimen Requirements
Specimen must arrive within ≤4 hours of draw.
Container/Tube: Lavender-top (EDTA) tube(s) - No other anticoagulant is acceptable.
Specimen: 5 mL (minimum volume: 1.5 mL) of EDTA whole blood
Transport temperature: Ambient
Collection Instructions: Invert 8 times to mix blood.
Reference Values
Males0 days-50 years: 0-12 mm/hour
50-84 years: 0-20 mm/hour
≥85 years: 0-30 mm/hour
0 days-50 years: 0-20 mm/hour
50-84 years: 0-30 mm/hour
≥85 years: 0-42 mm/hour