Test Code UA Urinalysis Automated without Microscopic, Random, Urine
Reflectance Spectrophotometry (SP)Includes appearance, bilirubin, blood, color, glucose, ketones, leukocytes, nitrite, pH, protein, specific gravity, and urobilinogen. Urine microscopic examination will be automatically performed on all infants <1 year. If test is positive for blood, leukocytes, nitrites, or protein, this test is cancelled and #UA+Micro “Urinalysis Automated with Microscopic, Random, Urine” is ordered and performed. If glucose, bilirubin, or protein result is positive, the following confirmatory tests will be performed at an additional charge: Clinitest®, ICOTEST®, ACETEST®, 3% ssATM.
Performing Laboratory
Aspen Valley HospitalPhysician Office Specimen Requirements
Specimen must arrive within ≤1 hour of collection.
Submit only 1 of the following specimens:
Urine, Clean-Catch
5 mL from a first-portion of a voided urine (first part of stream-not midstream) in a plastic urine container. No preservative. If there is a delay in transport of ≥1 hour, send specimen refrigerated.
Urine, Random
5 mL from a random urine collection in a plastic urine container. No preservative. If there is a delay in transport of ≥1 hour, send specimen refrigerated.
Urine, Suprapubic Aspirate
5 mL of urine from a suprapubic aspirate in a plastic urine container. No preservative. If there is a delay in transport of ≥1 hour, send specimen refrigerated.
Reference Values
Appearance: clearBilirubin: negative
Blood: negative
Color: pale yellow, yellow, dark yellow, red, brown, orange-pyridium
Glucose: negative (Clinitest® will be performed and reported on children <5 years.)
Ketones: negative
Leukocytes: negative
Nitrite: negative
pH: 5.0-7.0
Protein: negative
Specific gravity: <1.030
Urobilinogen: negative (1.0 EU/dL)