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Test Code UDIP Urinalysis Automated without Microscopic Only, Random, Urine


Reflectance Spectrophotometry (SP)

Includes appearance, blood, bilirubin, color, glucose, ketones, leukocytes, nitrite, pH, protein, specific gravity, and urobilinogen. If a color of orange-pyridium is detected, the following  tests will be performed and will replace the dipstick result:  Clinitest®, ICOTEST®, ACETEST®, 3% ssATM, due to the color interference of pyridium.

Note:  No microscopic testing will be performed when this test is ordered, regardless of results.

Performing Laboratory

Aspen Valley Hospital

Physician Office Specimen Requirements

Specimen must arrive within ≤1 hour of collection.


Submit only 1 of the following specimens:


Urine, Clean-Catch

5 mL from a first portion of a voided urine (first part of stream-not midstream) in a plastic urine container. No preservative. If there is a delay in transport of ≥1 hour, send specimen refrigerated.


Urine, Random

5 mL from a random urine collection in a plastic urine container. No preservative. If there is a delay in transport of ≥1 hour, send specimen refrigerated.


Urine, Suprapubic Aspirate

5 mL of urine from a suprapubic aspirate in a plastic urine container. No preservative. If there is a delay in transport of ≥1 hour, send specimen refrigerated.

Reference Values

Appearance:  clear

Bilirubin:  negative

Blood:  negative

Color:  pale yellow, yellow, dark yellow, red, brown, orange-pyridium

Glucose:  negative (Clinitest® will be performed and reported on children <5 years.)

Ketones:  negative

Leukocytes:  negative

Nitrite:  negative

pH:  5.0-7.0

Protein:  negative
Specific gravity:  <1.030
Urobilinogen:  negative (1.0 EU/dL)

Day(s) Test Set Up

Monday through Sunday

Test Classification and CPT Coding