Test Code URMIC Microscopic Examination Only, Urine
Microscopic ExaminationIncludes bacteria, casts, crystals, epithelial cells, mucous, RBCs, renal tubular, squamous, and WBCs.
Performing Laboratory
Aspen Valley HospitalPhysician Office Specimen Requirements
Specimen must arrive within ≤1 hour of collection.
Submit only 1 of the following specimens:
Urine, Clean-Catch
5 mL from first-portion of a voided urine (first part of stream-not midstream) in a plastic urine container. No preservative. If there is a delay in transport of ≥1 hour, send specimen refrigerated.
Urine, Random
5 mL from a random urine collection in a plastic urine container. No preservative. If there is a delay in transport of ≥1 hour, send specimen refrigerated.
Urine, Suprapubic Aspirate
5 mL of urine from a suprapubic aspirate in a plastic urine container. No preservative. If there is a delay in transport of ≥1 hour, send specimen refrigerated.
Reference Values
WBC: 0-5 cells/hpfRBC: 0 cells/hpf
Squamous epithelial cells: 0 cells/hpf (males)
Squamous epithelial cells: 0-10 cells/hpf (females)
Renal tubular epithelial cells: 0 cells/hpf
Bacteria: none seen
Crystals: none seen
Casts: none seen
Mucous: none seen