Test Code VAGYST Culture, Vaginal Yeast Screen
Conventional Culture TechniqueNote: Use this culture when the only organism of interest is yeast.
Performing Laboratory
Aspen Valley HospitalSpecimen Requirements
Specimen must arrive within 48 hours of collection.
1. Remove excess mucus with sterile culture swab and discard.
2. Aseptically collect specimen using BBLTM CultureSwabTM Plus supplied from Nursing Unit Pyxis or Laboratory for Outreach Offices. (Specimen submitted in non-sterile container or specimen delayed >4 hours [unless collected on BBLTM CultureSwabTM Plus] is not acceptable.)
3. Swab vaginal area, collecting material from where the suspected organism will most likely be found.
4. Return swab to sterile culture transport tube to ensure specimen preservation.
5. Label specimen with patient’s name (first and last), date and actual time of collection, and type of specimen.
6. Maintain sterility and forward promptly at ambient temperature only.
Note: 1. If fastidious bacteria such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Streptococcus pneumoniae is suspected, specimen should arrive within ≤24 hours of collection.
2. Collect before start of antibiotic therapy whenever possible.
3. Specimen source is required on request form for processing.