Test Code VANP Vancomycin, Peak, Plasma or Serum
Turbidometric Immunoassay
Performing Laboratory
Aspen Valley Hospital
Physician Office Specimen Requirements
Submit only 1 of the following specimens:
Plasma or Serum
Container/Tube: Orange-top tube(s)
Specimen: 2 mL (minimum volume: 0.5 mL) of serum
Transport Temperature: Ambient
Collection Instructions: Plasma/Serum for a peak level should be drawn 60 minutes after completion of infusion of intravenous dose of vancomycin. Allow serum specimen to clot for approximately 10 minutes, spin down, remove serum, and place in separate plastic vial. If there is a delay in transport of >8 hours, send specimen refrigerated in ≤7 days.
Note: 1. Infusion time and time of draw are required on request form and tube for processing.
2. Indicate serum on request form.
3. Label specimen appropriately (serum).
Container/Tube: Light green-top (lithium heparin gel) tube(s) - Lavender-top (EDTA) tube or light blue-top (sodium citrate) tube is also acceptable.
Specimen: 2 mL (minimum volume: 0.5 mL) of lithium heparin plasma
Transport Temperature: Ambient
Collection Instructions: Plasma for a peak level should be drawn 60 minutes after completion of infusion of an intravenous dose of vancomycin. Spin down immediately and send entire tube to laboratory. If there is a delay in transport of >8 hours, send specimen refrigerated ≤7 days.
Note: 1. Infusion time and time of draw are required on request form and tube for processing.
2. Indicate plasma on request form.
3. Label specimen appropriately (plasma).
Reference Values
Therapeutic range: 20.0-40.0 µg/mL
Day(s) Test Set Up
Monday through Sunday
Test Classification and CPT Coding